The Gail is our latest women’s timepiece, built and named in honor of Emily T. Gail, the founder of the 1970s Detroit movement “Say nice things about Detroit.” In the 70s and 80s, Emily began combating the negative perceptions of the city by creating the ultimate word-of-mouth movement to promote a renewed sense of pride in its residents. Her idea rings true today, across the country, there’s never been a better time to say nice things.
We were inspired by Emily’s movement and asked members of #TeamShinola to “say nice things” about their dads for Father’s Day. We asked the question: ‘What is one nice thing you’d like to share about your dad?’ and then asked for a photo too. We hope you read the stories below and are encouraged to say nice things about both your own town and the father figure in your life.
Carla Carr
“My dad is the sweetest man you will ever meet. He always has a smile on his face and he gives the best hugs! He is patient, kind and I’ve always felt deeply loved by him. He taught me to treat people with respect and to always do the right thing. He would give the shirt off his back to help a friend in need. I learned to truly value friendships and family because of him. My kids adore him and they love to hear him tell stories from his childhood. He has a gift of story-telling and sharing what’s important. He grew roses for a living and the memories of working in the rose field with him during the summer is still one of my favorite times. He taught me hard work and how to do a job to with pride. My dad is the best dad a girl could ever have. I love him dearly and wish him the best, Father’s Day, ever!”
Aymen Hassan
“My father has always had quite the impact on my life and continues to do so today in many ways. His drive to provide for our family, unconditional love and support, and his guidance in times when I needed him most have created a bond between us that will last forever. He’s always going to be my doubles partner in ping pong, my micromanager when I’m changing a light bulb, and he will also be my closest friend. I don’t say it enough, but I love him. He’s been a large part of whom I have become and I thank him for always being there.”
Colin Tury
“I always ask my dad for his advice…even when I don’t need it.”
Erica Auslander
“My dad has raised 6 girls and maintained his sanity! He is the most generous person I know. He would drop whatever he is doing to help anyone—friends, family and strangers. I am so thankful and grateful to have him in my life.”
Robert Copeland
“My dad has always been one of my biggest fans and supporters throughout my life. He coached my little league baseball team, attended every sporting event, and was the Scout Master of my Boy Scout Troop. My dad even comes to support my recreational softball games to this day and is always there with a smile on his face cheering me on. He is a road warrior and has driven us all over the country—that’s a skill that I picked up from him over the years. My dad showed me that if you treat people with respect and acceptance that you will receive that in return.”
Ashley Stump
“My dad is a jack-of-all-trades. In my lifetime, he has been a photographer, hunter, businessman, woodworker, and most recently—a pilot. My dad can fix anything. One of my favorite memories with him is when he would drop me off at school every morning and say, ‘Stay out of trouble, don’t kiss any boys.'”
Ryan Miller
“My dad is a leader. He loves and serves people and in doing so reveals their ultimate potential. I cannot thank him enough for the qualities he has instilled in me.”
Brie Desrosiers
“My dad actually embodies the spirit of Shinola in every value he taught me—hard work, dedication, quality and being proud of everything you put your name on (including his kids!)”
Shop Shinola’s Father’s Day Collection