Shinola Donation Requests

Although we are honored to receive many charitable requests, we are not able to support them all. Shinola is proud to donate to organizations that support job creation and workforce re-entry.

Requests are reviewed on a weekly basis and must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the event to be considered. A confirmation email will be sent within 10 business days, so please include a valid email address and contact information. Only approved requests will receive further communication after this initial confirmation email.

Shinola has established guidelines for product donations that follow the IRS tax guidelines. All tax information must meet our requirements before they can be considered for a donation. The organization receiving the donation must be a nonprofit and charitable organization and provide a copy of their Federal Tax Exempt Certificate, 501(c) (3).

Our corporate giving guidelines do not permit us to donate to the following:

  • Annual Conferences/Conventions
  • Individual Gifting
  • Intermediary Donations
  • School Incentive/Reward Programs
  • Political Parties, Associations & Representatives of Advocacy Groups
  • Organizations that Discriminate by Race, Creed, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Age, Religion or National Origin, or Disability
  • Religious Organizations, Churches and Programs that are Purely Denominational in Purpose
  • Research Projects

All donation/sponsorship request forms must be submitted to for forwarding. 

Categories: Other Policies

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